Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Long time no blog

So I have been reading all these other people's blogs on Facebook, and I got to thinking how cathartic it would be to have one of my own. Then I remembered I DID have one of my own, so I decided to see if I could remember how to find it. Now here I am! Sadly, it has been a LONG time since I've written anything. Natalie is now 2 years old and sweet little Emily joined our family 8/9/12. Hence the lack of blogging! Joey is opening his own garage in 5 days, a project he and his father were working hard on until his father passed unexpectedly two weeks ago. Now God has brought it all together and Joey is using it as a way to deal with his grief and honor his father's memory. I am married to the most amazing man - I'm so proud of him and I am so lucky to be his wife! We are all recovering from norovirus at the moment and may I just say that I am VERY ready for it to be OVER! I cannot handle many more bodily functions above and beyond the ordinary, and while I appreciate the weight loss (STILL an ongoing issue!), I will welcome being able to drink a cup of coffee again and being free of feeling like I am going to spontaneously vomit at any moment. Now that I've caught everyone up on what's new in our lives, I am going to bed. It's 12:38 and I unfortunately have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning. May you all have sweet dreams, love one another, and we will cach up soon! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to the grind

So it's been a few days since I last blogged; I have been busy squeezing as much fun as I could out of the last few moments of summer.  Tomorrow I go back to school.  It seems so surreal to even write that.  I feel like the break just got started.  I am feeling sad about leaving my Little Bit - Natalie - in the care of someone else.  I am thankful to God for providing someone awesome to take care of her, though, since it can't be me this year.  I still have hopes for next year! :)

I have my school bag packed and I have decided on what Natalie and I are both wearing tomorrow.  LOL.  Now I need to get our food packed and snag some cuddle time with Joe before going to bed.  After staying up till 1:00 or 2:00 every night, it's going to be pretty rough getting up at 5:30.  Maybe I should set the coffee up, too. Love one another and have a good night y'all. :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Me :)

Monday morning rolls around again and I am...happy?  Yep, strange but true.  I have a lot to be happy for this morning and thought, since Natalie is asleep and the cats don't care to listen,  I would share the reasons on my oh-so-popular blog with my two followers (mini cheer for you!) and anyone else who happens to wander by. That reminds me,  I have been trying to find out - how do I follow your blogs - or those of other people I know? But I digress...

Before I begin, I am issuing a disclaimer.  This is going to be a very egocentric, sappy, meandering blog.  If that does not interest you, stop reading now.  I will wait for you to go back to Facebook... :)  Ok, NOW my reasons for being happy!  The obvious ones that immediately come to mind are my family and coffee. Both have blessed me greatly today, and it's only 9:35!  Other reasons...new beginnings.  Lately I have been REALLY struggling with a few things.  Losing weight and being healthy is on the top of that list.  Time management and making God a priority is another.  Finding a church home and Christian friends rounds out the top three.  So this weekend God has brought me clarity and a sense of newness in all three areas!  

Let's start with losing weight and being healthy, since that is something that floats around somewhere in my mind pretty much ALL THE TIME.  I had an epiphany that too much of my focus is put on what goes into my mouth.  One wrong morsel leads to guilt and being angry with myself, which in turn leads to....GUILT EATING.  This is a BAD thing, because it starts this endless cycle.  I also tend to eat because a clock says it's time to do so and I obediently go to the kitchen.  The scale has been gradually creeping up and in desperation I decided to pray about it.  Feature that, right?!  In response, God has shown me a new perspective.  First thing I need to do is CALM DOWN.  I have given food way too much credit.  Ultimately, it's nothing more than nourishment to help me do what needs to be done in a day.  It can taste good, I can enjoy it, it can also bring a social element into my day, but it's primary function is to give me nutrients and energy.  The next thing I need to do is CUT BACK.  What I eat does not matter as much as how much I eat - within reason.  I already avoid fatty, fried foods due to my lack of gallbladder, which is good.  I try to remember the diabetic plating rule and adhere to the basics...mostly veggies, with some whole grain carbs and lean protein.  I try to eat different colors and include all food groups in my day.  But it's also ok to eat a lot of things I have considered FORBIDDEN if I do so in small, occasional doses.  This frees me up from the guilt, hence no responsive guilt eating!  I also am going to eat when I am actually hungry as opposed to when I think it's time.  And I am going to stop eating when I get full as opposed to feeling like I have to eat everything, regardless of whether what's on my plate is healthy or not.  Now, I am not naive enough to believe this change in thinking will magically transform my eating instantly or cause me to lose 10 pounds in the next 4 days.  But I am aware of being a work in progress, and being mindful of what I am eating will hopefully cause the numbers on my scale to start going in the right direction.

Time management.  Whew that's a biggie for me.  I have NO clue how to do that.  And I have all these big plans/aspirations daily on my "TO DO" list that get shoved aside.  I realized in looking into how to get back into "school mode" that I need to prioritize.  What matters most?  God, my family, and being healthy.  So everyday I need to make sure I include QUALITY time with Natalie and Joe, time where I am reading Scripture and really spending time with God as opposed to sending up "vending machine" prayers, and I need to exercise and plan out meals in advance so I am not hitting up the drive thru.  This will, in turn, help with my weight loss goals!  I have a plan for being ahead at work which will help me leave by 4:00 and get done the other things I want/need to do.  I am going to be better at keeping a calendar, which I hope will help me keep track of time as well.  I am going to recruit my friends (this can include you, my faithful readers!) to help hold me accountable to exercising and having my devotion time daily.  Feel free to be in my face about it; that's what I need!  Although I hate to see summer end, I am looking forward to a fresh start in my life.

The last thing...looking for a church home and Christian friends.  I read a book this weekend called Heaven Is For Real.  AMAZING story that really reminded me how much God loves me and how often I fail at remembering that and also at making Him first in my life.  Joe and I have been looking for a church for a while now, yet Sunday morning rolls around and we just can't seem to get there.  Call it laziness, or complacency, or a strategy of spiritual warfare to keep us on the couch and away from church...we haven't been anywhere in over a month.  AND I HATE IT!  We talk about how much we want a church to go to, to raise Natalie in, how much we miss worship and fellowship, yet every Sunday finds us at home.  So I have decided enough is enough.  I am SETTING AN ALARM for Sunday morning and we are going to church.  There is one I really have been wanting to go to.  The problem?  9:00 worship.  Or maybe it's 9:30?  It's early.  But if I can be greeting children at 7:15, I can go to church at 9!!  I also miss having Christian friends to share life with.  Fixing that began Saturday when Stacy and Dave came to dinner.  We had SUCH  a great time!  It showed me God really does want these kinds of relationships for us.  If He can bring one couple into our lives, He can bring more.  Like the other things God has shown me, I know that finding a church home and Christian relationships is going to take time and will be a work in progress. But I am feeling hopeful...I know that He loves me and His plan is not that we go through life alone but that we live in community with others.  And I am looking forward to all the fun and possibilities that will entail. :)

OK, I think that is all I wanted to say. Whew...my brain feels 5 pounds lighter!!  Natalie has awakened and it is almost time for my daily dose of Drew Carey and - hopefully - Plinko!!  Love one another and have a great day, y'all! :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Final Friday

So this is the final Friday of summer vacation.  A week from today I will be sitting in meetings.  That's so surreal, I don't even want to think about it!  I have been so blessed to have these last two months at home with my sweet little girl...and we still have a whole week left!!  I realized looking at the calendar for the upcoming year that I should have at least one day at home with her/month.  That's pretty awesome!  Plus weekends, etc.  If I could win the lottery so money weren't a factor, I would kiss my job goodbye and be a stay-at-home Mommy FOR SURE!!  But thanks to God's provision, we have an amazing child care situation worked out for this year.  I work in a job I enjoy - in spite of things like extra paperwork and Saturday trainings - and I believe God has a reason for wanting me to work instead of staying at home, otherwise He would have worked out a way for me to do so.  Therefore, I am going to go to school everyday expecting Him to use me for some kind of good. :)

Random thought...I put an extra s in my blog name. Nataliessmommy. LOL  So much for MY degree in English!

Back to my rambling - the upcoming school year.  I am looking forward to the newness of it all.  And I don't just mean new school supplies...though that is one of my favorite parts!!  There will be a new crop of kids.  I have a new assistant.  I am grade level chair, which means I no longer have to stay after school for Leadership meetings (AND I DON'T HAVE TO TYPE UP MINUTES!!).  I have a plan for being organized...even ahead a week? (Hey, optimism is a good thing!!).  I have a goal of leaving and being home by 4:00 most days, barring something  unexpected.  I have an ALMOST clean house (one bedroom and a bathroom remain; I was feeling too icky yesterday to venture far from my bed) which I plan to keep sparkly and beautiful so company can come over ANYTIME without my dying of embarrassment. I have hopes of God leading us to a new church home.  And I believe God is going to bring us more and more Christian friends!!  We are having Stacy and Dave over for dinner tomorrow night and I am SUPER excited!  Plus fall will be here soon...cooler weather, changing leaves, football, holidays...I am a summer girl, but even I am ready for a change!

The doorbell just rang - UPS delivered my new bedspread!!  Guess that's a sign that I need to get off my butt and get productive.  Have a great day y'all :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


So my whole household is sick...bleh.  Joe has been getting better; he came home with the sniffles 10 days ago and now just has a residual cough.  Poor little Natalie has croup. The doctor gave her a steroid shot and I am supposed to keep an eye on her for the next few hours. If she doesn't improve by mid afternoon, they may admit her to the hospital for observation overnight.  I am praying hard that they don't have to do that!!  For one thing, she spent the first 18 days of her little life in the NICU.  That is enough hospitalization for a while!  For another thing, I currently have a sore throat, aches, and a sexy phlegmy voice that would make it great for me to moonlight as a 900 number dream girl but means I want to be in my bed and not a hospital chair.  So I have the vaporizer going and she is sleeping soundly.  I haven't heard any coughing for a bit...I am hoping that is a good sign!

I have been cleaning my house, and hanging pictures, for the last week.  Yes, I know we have lived here a year and it is pretty pathetic that I JUST hung pictures.  But when you buy a house and 3 days later find out you're pregnant, priorities shift just a little.  I have only my bedroom/bathroom to finish cleaning and then I am DONE.  School starts back a week from tomorrow.  I want pool and relaxation time next week, which means I need to be getting off my sick, lazy butt and finishing those things up.  But I have a lot of shows recorded on my DVR and a comfy bed calling my name.  The mop may just have to wait a while.  Keep praying for my ill little family and I will chat at y'all soon.  Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So I am trying this blog thing to see what it's like.  I like the thought of writing things down; I'm just not sure anyone will actually want to read what I have to say. :)  Today I am working on my house...again...still.  I finally have almost everything hung on the walls.  I need to get one more mirror at Target - the greatest store in the WORLD - and that will be complete.  My new bedspread from Overstock.com has been shipped and I am excited for it to get here!!  Not sure what I was thinking when I put a predominantly white bedspread with blue and yellow flowers on the bed of a mechanic?!  The one coming is all kinds of beautiful colors and should better hide the fact that my husband works on cars all day. LOL.  My now seven month old ray of sunshine - my daughter Natalie - is playing in her little floor gym and squealing with delight.  It's the best sound in the world!!  The Price is Right just went off which means it's time for lunch and then I need to get back to work on scrubbing and cleaning and making this place sparkle.  Only 11 days until school starts back and the madness begins.  I want a few days at the pool before then, which means I need to get the work DONE.  Hope you enjoyed my first blogging venture.  Have a great day y'all!! :)